Anti Civil Union Rally in Colorado 1-25-2013

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In light of Senate Bill 11 making it’s way through the Colorado state legislature, attorney Dan Caplis & other participants gathered on the west steps of the Colorado State Capitol to voice their opposition to the legislation. Here are photographs from the event

40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade 1-20-2013

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To commemorate the 40th anniversary of the landmark Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, March For Life Denver and other organizations gathered on the west steps of the Colorado State Capitol. A few thousand people showed up for this event. After the speakers were done, did a balloon release and then they marched down Colfax Avenue in Denver. Here are photographs from the event.

Black Friday / Walmart Protest 11/23/2012

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In an effort to give Walmart a black eye on Black Friday, Occupy Boulder organized a protest at a local Walmart here in Lafayette, Colorado. Other people around the country organized similar events.

3rd Annual Tea Party Rally – Denver, CO, April 15th, 2011

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This was the 3rd annual Tea Party tax day rally. On April 15th, Tea Party activists gathered on the west steps of the Colorado State Capitol in an effort to motivate one another to get involved in the legislative process. Speakers included, Matt Arnold, of Clear The Bench Colorado, Ken Buck, former candidate for U.S. Senate, and John Caldara of the Independence Institute.

I would have had these photos up earlier, but my the Comcast outage just got resolved so I could not upload anything earlier. solidarity protest 2–26-2011

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This was the 2nd solidarity protest this week from the anti-Scott Walker forces. This one was sponsored by

Wisconsin Govt Worker Solidarity Protest & Counter Demonstration 2-22-11

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The events in Wisconsin have reverberated through the nation, and Colorado is no exception. Proving that what happens in Wisconsin does not stay in Wisconsin, the SEIU (Service Employees International Union) and local Tea Party activists held what was billed as a “solidarity” rally on the west steps of the Colorado State Capitol.

Depending on which side of the political isle you are on, the SEIU members at this event were either concerned about working families, or they were advocates of Charles Ponzi style economics. The people at the top of the steps were SEIU members while those on the sidewalk near the streets were for the most part Tea Party activists.

The Tea Party supporters chanted phrases like “Scott Walker, Right Choice!” & “Tax payers first!” While the SEIU members shouted phrases like “Don’t drink the tea!” & Wall Street Tool!” & “Kill the bill!”

The event was relatively peaceful (even though it was noisy) and there were no arrests.

Here are photographs from this event

Anti Bailout protest and counter demonstration in Fort Collins, CO / 08-09-2010

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On a sunny afternoon in Fort Collins, Colorado, pro and anti-bailout activists converged at the intersection of Mulberry Street and South College Avenue in Fort Collins, Colorado. These are photographs from the event.

Commerce City Memorial Day Parade 5-31-2010

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These are photographs I took at a Memorial Day Parade in Commerce City, Colorado.

Memorial Day Parade in Denver on 4-29-2010

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Sarah Palin appearance in Colorado on May 22nd.

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On May 22nd, 2010, at the Magness Arena in Denver, Sarah Palin spoke to a crowd of the curious, the disappointed, and adoring fans.  This appearance comes on the night that Ken Buck received 76 % of the delegate votes at the Republican State Assembly. While waiting outside the arena to enter it, I spoke to a few people who were nervous because they were not sure if Sarah Palin would endorse Jane Norton in her speech. Some ticket holders informed me that if Jane was endorsed, they would boo and walk out in disgust. This never took place.  Jane Norton was never mentioned in the speech.

The general tone of her speech seemed to be catering to the ideals that conservatives favor in terms of less spending and more fiscal responsibility. She also made comparative analogies between Colorado and Alaska in terms of the weather. The crowd erupted in applause on many occasions. I am not sure if this means their nerves were calmed by virtue of no endorsement. That has yet to be determined.

The other people you see in these photos are Dennis Prager and Hugh Hewitt. Admittedly, these photos did not turn out as well as I would have liked them to. I might need a better camera.